Little ol' Me

Little ol' Me

New to the Game

Hello readers and perusers! I have never done this sort of thing before, but I am here to give it a go! Enjoy my ramblings, rants and raves...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A (week)day in the life.

It's a weekday: Get up at 7:30 am... sometimes I snooze 'til 7:45. Throw the kettle on the stove, let out the pooches. By this time Kitty has near meowed me to the point of torture, so I fill her bowl. Hop in the shower. Lucky is barking to come back in... Lucy never barks. Still in a towel, I open the back door; they come flying in and procede to hop on their hind legs like circus dogs until I reach for the treats. Once I have the treats in hand, they sit without me having to ask. If I raise my finger, they throw themselves to the ground and quiver with excitement.

The kettle starts to hiss and into the french press the hot water goes. Bowl of cereal while it steeps... 3 minutes. One cup for here, the rest for my traveler. Best investment I have made that traveler.

Iron my shirt and pants, mmm, starch! Starting to scramble now. I have to be out the door by 8:15 am. Tyreke, the chubby and very well-behaved neighbor boy waves goodbye as I struggle to do the same. Laptop case in one hand, coffee traveler in the other, and I nearly always have my portable radio. I might go crazy without it. Charlie (King Charlie) ambles up the porch, right on time. I grumble as I turn off the engine to let him in the house... that bugger!

Get to work by 8:35. I should really leave 5 minutes earlier. The testers are already here.

Busy work, busy work, distraction, busy work... Finally 5:30!! My afternoon groggies disappear into the afternoon sun.

Home. The dogs have escaped their kitchen gate again. I have to get that thing replaced. I am greeted by snuffling button noses. Charlie cries to be let out. Kitty meows to be let in. Lucky has a sock in his mouth. What a weird little stinker!

A glass of wine? A beer? No, bourbon and ginger time... Barb and Gingie, what gals! Eagle rare from the cabinet, a lime from the crisper, and my homemade ginger syrup from its spot on the top shelf of the fridge. A jigger of this, a squeeze of that; shake 'til my fingers are frozen to the stainless shaker... Mmm, porch-meeting time.

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