Little ol' Me

Little ol' Me

New to the Game

Hello readers and perusers! I have never done this sort of thing before, but I am here to give it a go! Enjoy my ramblings, rants and raves...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earner vs. Taker

There was a time, not too long ago, when people worked hard to put food on the table. They made sacrifices to keep their family happy and healthy. If you were able to work, by golly you did! My dad paid his way through college and got his masters. He grew up without his father around, and his mom, my grandmother raised her 5 boys on her own. She had nothing to contribute financially, other than prayers and love.

I am lucky to say that I grew up in a middle class family. My dad worked very hard to put us into a good private school, where we got a great education. We got new shoes once a year. Before school started we would do our yearly clothes shopping. Hand-me-downs were nothing of which to be ashamed. We were normal. When I got to be old enough to start doing tasks around the neighborhood, you better believe I did! Lawns were mowed, gardens were created, I mother-helped until I was old enough to babysit on my own. I sold cookies, we painted rocks and sold those... I was a hustler. My eyes were on the prize... I wanted a car. My parents didn't buy me one. It wasn't given to me. I worked for it. When you put your blood, sweat and tears into something, it becomes a part of you. You have incentive to care for it and appreciate it.

That sense of hard work and motivation seems to have been lost on my generation and those that follow. Why work for something if someone is going to give it to you anyway? Now it is expected... Take my sister for example: She is 17. My mom (now divorced from my dad for 5 years *) just gave my sister her old car. It isn't brand new, it isn't pristine, but it wasn't earned. I traded in my old car last November. It was falling apart. I had put 100,000 miles on it since I bought it from my grandparents when I was 15. I cried. Anyway, my credit isn't where I would like it, so I was not picky when it came time to pick up a new(er) vehicle. I didn't have much money, but I had enough to pay for a downpayment at the dealership. Months earlier, I had put my old car in the shop and my mom let me drive her little Subaru Legacy around while my old Chevy was being worked on. The long-short of it is, it is a grand little car! Upon handing over the keys, I hinted at letting me buy it from her. The idea was shot down. My mom needed that car. She now has a good-looking Lincoln sitting in the driveway where the Sub' once was parked. Good for her; God knows she worked hard for something nice like that. Good for my sister, at 18... just got her license.

As soon as I have an extra grand or two laying around, I will be looking for another vehicle; something I can pay COD. Needless to say, it would be nice to have an extra $400 a month to put towards.... whatever. Hey, what can I say, I like to learn things the hard way.

I am an earner.

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